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Debugging Zenith services

If a Zenith service does not become available, the most common causes are:

Client not connecting to SSHD

The first thing that happens to connect a Zenith service is that the Zenith client must connect to the Zenith SSHD. To see if a Zenith client is connecting, check for the Zenith subdomain in the logs of the SSHD server:

On the K3S node, targetting the HA cluster if deployed
kubectl -n azimuth logs deploy/zenith-server-sshd [-f]

If there are no logs for the target Zenith subdomain, this usually indicates a problem with the client. Check the logs for the client and restart it if necessary. If problems persist, try restarting the Zenith SSHD:

On the K3S node, targetting the HA cluster if deployed
kubectl -n azimuth rollout restart deployment/zenith-server-sshd

Client not registered in Consul

Once a client has connected to SSHD successfully, it should get registered in Consul.

To determine if this is the case, it is useful to access the Consul UI. As discussed in Monitoring and alerting, the Consul UI is exposed as consul.<ingress base domain>, e.g., and is protected by a username and password.

The default view shows Consul's view of the services, where you can check if the service is being registered correctly.

Clients not registering correctly in Consul usually indicates an issue with Consul itself. Futher information for debugging Consul issues is provided in Debugging Consul.

If the issue persists once Consul issues are ruled out, try restarting SSHD:

On the K3S node, targetting the HA cluster if deployed
kubectl -n azimuth rollout restart deployment/zenith-server-sshd

OIDC credentials not created

Keycloak OIDC credentials for Zenith services for platforms deployed using Azimuth are created by the azimuth-identity-operator.

To see if this step has happened, check the status of the realm and platform resources created by the identity operator. They should all be in the Ready phase:

On the K3S node, targetting the HA cluster if deployed
$ kubectl get realm,platform -A
NAMESPACE   NAME                                          PHASE   TENANCY ID      OIDC ISSUER                                           AGE
az-demo   Ready   xxxxxxxxxxxxx   4d2h

NAMESPACE   NAME                                                        PHASE   AGE
az-demo   Ready   114s

If any of these resources stay in an unready state for more than a few minutes, try restarting the identity operator:

On the K3S node, targetting the HA cluster if deployed
kubectl -n azimuth rollout restart deployment/azimuth-identity-operator

Kubernetes resources for the Zenith service have not been created

If the service exists in Consul, it is possible that the process that synchronises Consul services with Kubernetes resources is not functioning correctly. To check if Kubernetes resources are being created, run the following command and check that the Ingress, Service and Endpoints resources have been created for the service:

On the K3S node, targetting the HA cluster if deployed
$ kubectl -n zenith-services get ingress,service,endpoints
NAME                                                            CLASS   HOSTS                                                     ADDRESS         PORTS     AGE   nginx   80, 443   2d   nginx   80, 443   2d   nginx   80, 443   2d   nginx   80, 443   2d

NAME                                          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/cjzm03yczuj6oqrj3h8htl4u1bbx96qd53g   ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP    2d
service/i03xvflgk1zmtcsdm2x5z5lz9qz05027euw   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    2d
service/pxmvy7235x2ggfvf2op615gvz2v59wkqglc   ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP    2d
service/txn3zidfdnru5rg109voh848n51rvicmr1s   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    2d

NAME                                            ENDPOINTS                                                     AGE
endpoints/cjzm03yczuj6oqrj3h8htl4u1bbx96qd53g                                           2d
endpoints/i03xvflgk1zmtcsdm2x5z5lz9qz05027euw                                           2d
endpoints/pxmvy7235x2ggfvf2op615gvz2v59wkqglc,,   2d
endpoints/txn3zidfdnru5rg109voh848n51rvicmr1s                                           2d


If an ingress resource does not have an IP, this may be a sign that the ingress controller is not correctly configured or not functioning correctly.

If they do not exist, try restarting the Zenith sync component:

On the K3S node, targetting the HA cluster if deployed
kubectl -n azimuth rollout restart deployment/zenith-server-sync

cert-manager fails to obtain a certificate

If you are using cert-manager to dynamically allocate certificates for Zenith services it is possible that cert-manager has failed to obtain a certificate for the service, e.g. because it has been rate-limited.

To check if this is the case, check the state of the certificates for the Zenith services:

On the K3S node, targetting the HA cluster if deployed
$ kubectl -n zenith-services get certificate
NAME                                      READY   SECRET                                    AGE
tls-cjzm03yczuj6oqrj3h8htl4u1bbx96qd53g   True    tls-cjzm03yczuj6oqrj3h8htl4u1bbx96qd53g   2d
tls-i03xvflgk1zmtcsdm2x5z5lz9qz05027euw   True    tls-i03xvflgk1zmtcsdm2x5z5lz9qz05027euw   2d
tls-txn3zidfdnru5rg109voh848n51rvicmr1s   True    tls-txn3zidfdnru5rg109voh848n51rvicmr1s   2d

If the certificate for the service is not ready, check the details for the certificate using kubectl describe and check for any errors that have occured.

Last update: April 9, 2024
Created: April 9, 2024