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Various GitHub Actions secrets are used within StackHPC Release Train for integrating with external services. All secrets are scoped to the StackHPC Release Train repository unless stated otherwise.

Secret Type Owner Description
ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD Ansible vault password N/A Ansible Vault password for StackHPC Release Train secrets.
GALAXY_API_KEY Ansible Galaxy API token stackhpc-ci GitHub user Organisation secret used for importing Ansible content into Ansible Galaxy.
repository_configuration_token GitHub PAT token stackhpc-ci GitHub user Used in source code CI to create GitHub pull requests.
Used in GitHub organisation management to add comments to PRs.
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL Slack webhook URL Infra team leads Used to send Slack notifications on GitHub Actions workflow failures.
TF_API_TOKEN Terraform Cloud API token Jack Used in GitHub organisation management to authenticate with Terraform cloud.
TF_VAR_GITHUB_APP_PEM_FILE GitHub app PEM file GitHub org admins Used in GitHub organisation management to authorise Terraform to manage GitHub repositories.