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Zenith Application Proxy

The Zenith application proxy is enabled by default in the reference configuration. To disable it, just set:

azimuth_apps_enabled: no

The only piece of configuration that is required for Zenith is a secret key that is used to sign and verify the single-use tokens issued by the registrar (see the Zenith architecture document for details):

zenith_registrar_subdomain_token_signing_key: "<some secret key>"


This key should be a long, random string - at least 32 bytes (256 bits) is recommended. A suitable key can be generated using openssl rand -hex 32.


This key should be kept secret. If you want to keep it in Git - which is recommended - then it must be encrypted.

SSHD port number

By default, the Zenith SSHD server will use port 22 on a dedicated IP address for a HA deployment and port 2222 on the pre-allocated floating IP for a single node deployment (port 22 is used for regular SSH to configure the node).

This can be changed using the following variable, if required:

zenith_sshd_service_port: 22222

Last update: April 9, 2024
Created: April 9, 2024