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Usage - content management HOWTO

While the content management workflows documentation provides information on each of the workflows provided by the release train, it does not give instructions for how to compose them to achieve common tasks. That is the aim of this page.

Update package repositories

Update one or more package repositories to a new version, then build new Kolla container images from those repositories.

If using Yoga release or earlier:

If using Zed release onwards:

Update Kolla container images

Update one or more Kolla container images, without updating package repositories.

If using Yoga release or earlier:

If using Zed release onwards:

Add a new Kolla container image

Set up builds for the image

The list of services supported by StackHPC Kayobe configuration is defined via the feature flags in the ci-builder environment. To add a new service, add the relevant feature flag (see etc/kayobe/kolla.yml for supported flags). For example:

kolla_enable_foo: true

Create a PR for the change.

Set up Test Pulp syncing for the image

Next, the new images must be added to the kolla_container_images list in stackhpc-release-train. For example:

  - foo-api
  - foo-manager

Create a PR for the change.

Build and consume the image

Once the two PRs have been approved and merged, follow the steps above to build and consume the new images.

Set up client Pulp syncing for the image

Finally, the new images must be added to the stackhpc_pulp_images list in etc/kayobe/pulp.yml. This updates the list of images that are synced from Ark to clients' local Pulp service. This step should be performed last, once the images have been pushed to Ark and promoted, otherwise client container syncs would fail.

  - foo-api
  - foo-manager

Create a PR for the change.